Monday, September 22, 2008

1 WEEK!!

The time has really flown by! One week until the big day. We are driving down on Tuesday night and won't get to CA until Wednesday night.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. For those who are coming, please bring your cameras - we want lots of candid pictures!

The extended forecast still shows sunny and 85 degrees so we are looking at really nice weather.

So much to do!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Those RSVPs

Hi Family and Friends!

We just want to remind everyone living in the US that our rsvp cards are heading to Canada! That means they need international postage. But really, feel free to rsvp to us by email!! We set up an email account at just for rsvp's. We hoped that would be much more convenient than dealing with international postage- cuz, you know, we're cool like that. (uh huh...)

We're truly sorry for any returned mail that may have caused! :(

Oh incidentally,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gift Registry

In setting gift registries up, we have a BIG issue that we need to resolve and we need your help. We will be living in Canada, and the folks at the border with the uniforms and firearms get cranky when people cross the border with a car crammed full of 'stuff' (no, officer, these 6 fondue sets aren't a mobile meth lab...).

So, this leaves us, and you, with a few options:
1) You can offer gift cards to Crate & Barrel ( and Best Buy (
2) You can use our gift registry at Crate and Barrel for the "big ticket items" (link is here)
3) You can offer a cash gift (if you would like, you can specify what you would like it to go towards and we will update you after we get the items)

We know that the situation is weird, but the border really is a hurdle for us (in many areas). Monetary gifts or gift certificates really would be the best option for us crossing the border. But, if you just HAVE to buy us a 60" plasma screen tv, or pass on the family quilt, we'll understand and make arrangements.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Pictures aplenty

We set up a account to house all the pictures about us, the wedding plans, the location, etc.

We'll keep a link up on the side so that you can always get there. Once you have pictures from the wedding, we'll send you an invitation so that you can upload your contributions to share with everyone.

Until then, enjoy the random pictures we have for you now, and you can even comment on them or ask questions.

Please note that you will have to create a Flickr account to view the album, but that process is fast and easy.

Friday, May 16, 2008

California Trip ... and a date!

We spent the week of May 11 in Sacramento setting the details of the wedding. Included in the items accomplished this week are the location booking, the date, a menu and a cake design!

We would LOVE to divulge all these things to you in one massive post, but where's the fun in that? I guess "first things first" is best: the date. We are now officially getting hitched on September 28, 2008. That's just over 4 months from now.

As for the location, you won't believe your eyes. It is going to be at the Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys, CA. ( Murphys is a little out of the way and is an old gold rush town with a lot of charm. The Vineyard is just amazing. Flowers everywhere, massive pond (some might call it a small lake) and some very friendly Canadian geese to make me feel more welcome.

As you can see from our "Checklist" on the side, we still have to find a DJ and finalize the flowers. We hope you all like polka and hay as good wedding choices.

We are sorry that we couldn't see all of the California family and friends during our trip down, but we hope to see you all in the near future.

New poll is up

We are writing more posts about our California trip and those will be up shortly, but we just wanted everyone to know that we are still here and will have lots to say and tell you all about.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Picture is up

We finally got a picture of ourselves, and posted it. I know it doesn't show our faces well, so that those who have not met one of us may want a better photo. All we can say is, the picture was too sweet to pass up and if you want a better look, come to our wedding. :P