Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Picture is up

We finally got a picture of ourselves, and posted it. I know it doesn't show our faces well, so that those who have not met one of us may want a better photo. All we can say is, the picture was too sweet to pass up and if you want a better look, come to our wedding. :P

Monday, April 28, 2008

RSS feed

I know. I'm a computer geek. And I know that the internet changes more often than the weather. But I would like to mention a cool thing about this blog.

At the bottom of the page, there's a link that says "subscribe." This means that if you use an RSS reader, like Google Reader, you can be notified that we posted something to this blog, without the need to check every day. In fact, many websites and blogs have this RSS feature, so you can keep up-to-date without needing to click down a long list of links to see if something changed.

Let us know if there is a change you'd like to see to this blog and we'll try to accommodate. The point is to keep everyone informed!

Welcome to our wedding!

Hello our dear friends and family!

We have started this blog to keep you informed and updated on our upcoming wedding. We also hope that this blog might be a way for the various branches of our families to connect and share. Feel free to post, introduce yourselves and join the conversation.

Check back often!