Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gift Registry

In setting gift registries up, we have a BIG issue that we need to resolve and we need your help. We will be living in Canada, and the folks at the border with the uniforms and firearms get cranky when people cross the border with a car crammed full of 'stuff' (no, officer, these 6 fondue sets aren't a mobile meth lab...).

So, this leaves us, and you, with a few options:
1) You can offer gift cards to Crate & Barrel ( and Best Buy (
2) You can use our gift registry at Crate and Barrel for the "big ticket items" (link is here)
3) You can offer a cash gift (if you would like, you can specify what you would like it to go towards and we will update you after we get the items)

We know that the situation is weird, but the border really is a hurdle for us (in many areas). Monetary gifts or gift certificates really would be the best option for us crossing the border. But, if you just HAVE to buy us a 60" plasma screen tv, or pass on the family quilt, we'll understand and make arrangements.


Evelyn said...

efe36bhdAlana & Jordan, Just to let you know, Bill & I will be at your wedding. Our RSVP will be returned since we forgot to put the international rate of postage on the card. I would like the salmon and Bill the Tri-tip. I hope this gets to you. I'm not sure how else to message you on this Blog. Thanks for the tip on the gifts and the boarder. Love Evelyn

Alana said...

No worries Evelyn! I'm sorry about the returned mail. I'll post something about it. Thanks for letting us know! :)
love, Alana